$39.00 USD


Cooking Fundamentals

The Cooking Fundamentals course provides a solid introduction to the culinary arts, perfect for those starting their journey in the kitchen. This course includes an overview of basic kitchen equipment, guiding students through the essential tools needed and their proper use. A highlight of the program is the practical knife skills segment, where cutting techniques are demonstrated to enhance kitchen safety and efficiency. Simple ingredient exploration and recipe demonstrations further demystify the cooking process, making gourmet cooking accessible to all.

Participants will leave the course with a deeper understanding of cooking basics, empowered to prepare meals with confidence. They'll learn how to select the right tool for every task, master fundamental knife skills for precise ingredient preparation, and follow recipes to create delicious dishes. This course is a stepping stone to culinary competence, offering the skills and knowledge needed to explore the world of cooking with curiosity and creativity.


Offered by Chef Mayte